My Bulk Aisle Favorites.

Hello, my dear friends! And a happy Monday to you all! As always, the weekend seemed to go by much too fast. I had such a lovely little weekend. This weekend we went to Traverse City’s co-op, which made me a a mite homesick, but also got me thinking about how wonderful the bulk aisle is… I thought I’d compile a list of some of my favorite things to buy in bulk! And I’m sure everyone knows what it means, but I’ll explain it all the same, as I can’t quite seem to think of how to differentiate that I don’t mean buying massive quantities when I say bulk. I mean when you’re able to bring in your own jars to a store and are able to fill it up with all sorts of wonderful goodies. Rice, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, coffee… the list goes on and on. Speaking of, here’s my list!

1.Popcorn! Popcorn is such a wonderful snack, and it can also be used for scrumptious trail mixes. Put in some chocolate chips, some nuts, and a dried fruit, and you are all set! I also love how popcorn tastes when you make it on the stove as opposed to some microwave popcorn. Especially since you’re able to control just what goes into it. It’s especially nice for those who may be a bit weary of microwaves, or for those who do not own one!

2. Vanilla! This is actually the main reason I decided a trip to the co-op was absolutely necessary. I used up the last drops of mine making cookies. Vanilla can be SO expensive. Buying it in bulk is so great because you’re able to get just the right amount. And at some co-ops, you even get a discount for bringing in your own container! Which was the case at the Traverse City one! Yay! Which is double good news because I have a bunch of bananas right now just begging to become banana bread!

3. Oatmeal! Oatmeal is a great option for breakfast. Put some almond milk in there, paired with some chocolate chips, brown sugar, maybe some cinnamon, and you’ve got yourself a very delicious little meal! And of course how can you go wrong with oatmeal cookies? Oatmeal is a wonderful staple to have in your kitchen. It can be dressed up so many ways, and when you buy it plain, and in bulk, you’re able to dress it up however you desire.

4. Cumin! Cumin is one of my favorite spices to season things with, and I absolutely love being able to buy spices in bulk. Sometimes you have a recipe that has a really obscure spice, and you may need jut a teeny tiny bit of it. Cumin isn’t one such spice, but I enjoy buying it in bulk all the same!

5.Coffee! Buying coffee in bulk is such a great option if you’re trying to figure out what sort of roast you like. And it’s also really nice if you’ve made the switch to a reusable k-cup or if you use a regular ol’ coffee maker. A bonus of buying coffee in bulk is that most co-ops have a grinder in store, so you can grind it right then and there!

6.Garlic powder! Garlic powder is probably my absolute favorite spice to cook with, and it does not last long in my home. I love buying it in bulk because I can buy copious amounts to fulfill all my kitchen’s garlic needs.

7. Granola! I love buying granola in bulk as opposed to a bagged granola, or even a breakfast cereal because it cuts down on SO MUCH waste. All that plastic used to package the granola and/or cereal is insane! I find this to be a much better option.

8. Olive Oil! The bulk aisle has liquids, too! I think olive oil is such a staple for any kitchen, and being able to buy it in bulk is such a wonderful option. I especially love it because once you find a nice glass jar to use, you can fill it up over and over.

9.Flour! Another staple for the kitchen. And how cute do little reused jars look when they’re filled to the brim with flour? I even labeled mine, “flour power”, hehehe.

10. Sugar! Sugar is the last option I will mention on my list today. I use it in my baking a lot, and it’s always nice to be fully stocked up on sugar. You never know what baking fun you may need it for…

And a little side note, my dear friends! There are certainly items that I’ve bought in bulk that I ended up not finding a use for. I went a little crazy on some items in the bulk section because I thought that I would use them, and yet here they are…. still sitting in my cabinets. I’m looking at you chia seeds… just because buying in bulk is less waste than some other purchases, if you don’t use the item, it’s still being wasted!. Be mindful with all of your purchases, even if they are done with the best of intentions. Be honest and practical when shopping!

Thank you so much for reading!


Mattie Mae

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